2021 City of Los Angeles  - LAUSD Redistricting Commission

Mapping Tool

Online Mapping Tool Guide

Map Presentations to Commission by Individuals or Organized Groups

The Commission has established rules and procedures for the presentation of maps by individuals or organized groups at the Wednesday October 13, 2021 regular Commission meeting.

Rules and Procedures

Commission meetings for the presentation of LAUSD-wide and regional plans have been scheduled for Wednesday October 13, 2021. While Individuals or groups may present plans at this Commission meeting, proposed maps, suggestions, and comments can be submitted to the Commission for its consideration without requiring the submitter to make an oral presentation. Individuals or groups planning to offer highlights of their plans at the above-referenced Commission meeting should present a request to the Commission no later than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting. The request should identify the name of the individual or group presenting the plan, the types of plans being submitted (LAUSD-wide, regional, single district), and the amount of time requested to present highlights to the Commission, subject to the limitations set out below. Requests should be sent to: redistricting.lausd@lacity.org

The Commission will provide one time slot per group or individual. The Commission will provide no more than ten (10) minutes for regional plans and twenty (20) minutes for LAUSD-wide plans for representatives to provide highlights of their proposed plans and to answer questions from the Commission and its staff and consultants. Depending on the number of submissions and requests to testify at the public hearings, this allocation of time may be reduced, but in no case will it be less than five (5) minutes. Presenters should provide key highlights of the plans and are urged to budget sufficient time within their total time allocation for questions and answers.

Presenters who wish to use PowerPoint or any other presentation software to highlight their plans should submit an electronic copy of their presentation at least 48 hours prior to the Commission meeting. Presentations should be sent to redistricting.lausd@lacity.org

Submission Format

The Commission strongly encourages developers of plans to submit copies of their plans well in advance of the Wednesday October 13, 2021 meeting. The following guidelines should be followed in submitting citywide or multiple district plans:

A version of the plan(s) should be submitted using the Online Mapping Tool available on the Commission’s website. As an alternative, an electronic version of the plan(s) contained in a PDF or other presentation format is acceptable. Maps should be submitted in PDF format or in a commonly used graphics file format. Accompanying reports should be submitted in PDF, Microsoft Word, or Microsoft PowerPoint format. Block equivalency files compatible with GIS software should be submitted along with the maps and accompanying reports. Equivalency files may be submitted in .dat, .dbf, or .txt format. Additional .shp files may also be included.

Printed copies of maps and accompanying reports are not required.

All materials should be sent electronically via email to the following address:

ATTN: Citywide/Regional Plan Submissions
Los Angeles Unified School District Redistricting Commission
200 N. Spring Street, Room 285
Los Angeles, CA 90012

General Map Criteria and Guidelines

LAUSD-wide and multiple School Board Member (Board of Education) District plans should contain a map or set of maps accompanied by a report that provides a description of the proposed district boundaries and the justifications for those boundaries. The accompanying report should confirm that the proposed districts are consistent with the legal requirements of the Los Angeles City Charter, as well as applicable municipal, state, and federal law.

These requirements include the following criteria:

  1. School Board Member (Board of Education) Districts should comply with the U.S. Constitution, including population equality requirements;
  2. School Board Member (Board of Education) Districts should comply with the federal Voting Rights Act of 1965;
  3. School Board Member (Board of Education) Districts should be geographically contiguous;
  4. School Board Member (Board of Education) Districts should respect the geographic integrity of any high school attendance zone, local neighborhood, neighborhood council, City, or local community of interest to the extent feasible;
  5. School Board Member (Board of Education) Districts should be drawn to encourage geographic compactness, to the extent feasible;
  6. School Board Member (Board of Education) Districts should have an ideal population of 666,023; and,
  7. School Board Member (Board of Education) Districts should have no more than a maximum 10 percent total population deviation between the most populated district and the least populated district, including a written explanation and justification of any deviations from the ideal population.

Public Hearing Schedule

  • Monday, October 4th, 6:30 PM
  • Wednesday, October 6th, 6:30 PM
  • Saturday, October 9th, 11 AM

Community Workshop Schedule

  • Saturday, October 2, 11AM

Regular Meeting Schedule

  • Wednesday, October 13, 4PM
  • Wednesday, October 20, 4PM
  • Wednesday, October 27, 4PM

Audio for this meeting will also be broadcast live and can be heard by calling 1 (669) 254-5252 and using Meeting ID No. 161 077 4991 and then press #. Press # again when prompted for participant ID.

Spanish interpretation will be provided at all hearings. To request interpretation services in a different language, please email redistricting.LAUSD@lacity.org or call (213) 221-2245, at least 72 hours in advance of the hearing. Please be aware that language interpretation is only available via Zoom Webinar.

Meeting Agendas

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